Lets "Talk Money" with Ecstra Foundation

In a world driven by economic intricacies, nurturing financial literacy among young minds is becoming increasingly important. And urgent.

Recent Australian surveys reveal a troubling decline in financial literacy across various age groups. But the most significant drops are among 15-24 year-olds – where it can be so important.

It’s why Talk Money with Ecstra Foundation won runner-up in the Best School Age category at the 2023 MAIAs. Designed to cater to the unique needs of Australian students, it addresses the pressing demand for improved financial literacy, particularly among young people.

Michael Gilmore, co-founder of MAIAs: “Talk Money’s approach to financial education in schools addresses a critical need, especially in today’s complex economic landscape.”

Talk Money adopts a holistic approach to financial education.

It offers facilitator-led workshops tailored for students in Years 5-10, conducted in-person or online. A rich array of resources supplement this, reinforcing key concepts.

Even better? It’s free. The program is offered entirely without any charge to schools across Australia.

The Talk Money program extends its services to all schools without imposing any fees.

Furthermore, recognizing the vast diversity in backgrounds and financial experiences among Australian students, Talk Money takes pride in having facilitators from various cultures. This ensures financial education is not only accessible to all but also relatable.

Tangible Impact:

Since its triumphant launch in February 2022, Talk Money has made remarkable strides. It has reached more than 550 schools, engaging with over 110,000 students nationwide.

This ensures all corners of Australia can access crucial financial education at pivotal stages in their lives. Of particular note is the program’s success in schools located in areas of high socio-economic disadvantage. It has an impressive 29% of participants hailing from this segment.

Teachers report an astounding 91% improvement in their students’ knowledge of money. An impressive 95% of students say they’ve acquired knowledge they can apply to their lives, now and in the future.

Jo Morgan, spokesperson for Talk Money: “We’re unwavering in our commitment to nurturing a financially literate generation and firmly believe that it begins with offering accessible and inclusive financial education.”

A Comprehensive Financial Education:

Talk Money is not jusy a financial literacy program.

It’s a comprehensive financial education initiative. It aims to equip students with both the knowledge and skills they need to navigate the complex financial landscape. The program offers facilitator-led workshops that tailored to students’ specific age groups and educational needs. This ensures the content is not only relevant but also engaging.

Moreover, Talk Money doesn’t stop at the classroom door. It provides a wealth of extra resources designed to reinforce key financial concepts.

Accessible both in class and at home, this creates a continuous learning experience extending beyond school hours.

Trudi Harris, co-founder of MAIAs: “Financial literacy among young people is an indispensable component of their future success, and Talk Money is making remarkable strides in this arena.”

To learn more about Talk Money with Ecstra Foundation, as well as all the other winners at MAIA 2023, visit: https://maiawards.org/winners-2023

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