"Make My Money Matter" Wins Sim Kee Boon Prize for Sustainable Finance Literacy at the MAIAs!

“Make My Money Matter” co-founders Jo Corlett and award-winning filmmaker Richard Curtis (“Love Actually”, “Notting Hill” – yes that Richard Curtis) have created a campaign that empowers individuals to align their money with their values and drive positive change.

It has already received high-level support: “MMMM is exactly the catalyst the financial sector needs,” commends Mark Carney, former Governor of the Bank of England.

Now it is taking home the inaugural Sim Kee Boon Prize for Sustainable Finance Literacy at the Money Awareness and Inclusion Awards 2023 (MAIAs)!

Empowering Individuals to Make a Difference

“Make My Money Matter” has captured the hearts and minds of individuals seeking to make a positive impact on the environment through their everyday actions. Jo Corlett and Richard Curtis have realised that the answer lies not only in our choices of clothing, food, and transportation but also in the places where we invest our money.

“When consumers realise this power, they want to make their money matter,” states Trudi Harris, co-founder of the MAIAs.

The campaign has brought awareness to the immense power individuals possess in shaping the financial landscape. By connecting citizens with decision-makers in the industry, “Make My Money Matter” has successfully shifted the cultural narrative surrounding money.

Impressive Achievements and Industry Commitments

The impact of “Make My Money Matter” is undeniable, with numerous successes to its name:

  • £1.3 trillion worth of pension fund assets have committed to robust climate targets, representing approximately 50% of the UK pensions industry.
  • 7 pension funds have pledged to cut deforestation from their portfolios.
  • The campaign has achieved 29% brand awareness among the UK population, and 49% of people are now willing to switch to a green pension if offered.

Over 100 leading businesses and NGOs, including IKEA, EY, Oxfam, and WWF, have committed to joining the campaign and greening their company pensions.

Empowering the General Public

The primary audience of “Make My Money Matter” is the general public, particularly 18-35 year-olds in the UK who hold bank accounts or contribute to pension pots. The campaign aims to provide tools and resources to empower individuals to align their money with their values.

Director of the Sim Kee Boon Institute for Financial Economics, Dave Fernandez, observed “targeting young generations of society (18-35 years old) is great as they are at the early stage of professional/personal life and the program can help them to have a financially stable life ahead, while addressing their environmental concerns.”

To ensure inclusivity and accessibility, the campaign partners with organisations such as Money Movers, YourJuno (another MAIA winner!), and She Changes Climate, reaching out to women and individuals who may feel excluded from the financial system.

Partnerships and Innovation

“Make My Money Matter” has forged strategic partnerships to maximize its impact and reach:

  • A research partnership with Aviva ensures the credibility and trustworthiness of the campaign’s findings.
  • A media partnership with The Guardian has allowed for user testimonial blogs, podcast adverts, and quizzes to make sustainable finance engaging and easily accessible.
  • A creative partnership with Mother has brought the research to life through captivating visuals and short social media films.

Inspiring Action and Driving Change

The success of “Make My Money Matter” lies in its ability to inspire action and drive real change:

  • 31% of people are now aware that their bank or pension may be contributing to climate change.
  • 24% of pension holders would switch to a more sustainable pension if they discovered links to deforestation.

Over 45,000 public actions have been taken to drive industry change, with £1.3 trillion of pension assets committed to robust climate targets.

A Bright Future Ahead

Looking ahead, “Make My Money Matter” has ambitious goals for expansion and impact:

Geographies: The campaign aims to establish a global movement by piloting activities in priority markets and adapting their approach to suit new audiences.
Impact Areas: Building on their success in climate action, “Make My Money Matter” intends to explore activity in biodiversity loss, food systems, social issues, and the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).

Jo Corlett, Richard Curtis, and the entire “Make My Money Matter” team have paved the way for a financial revolution, showing that individuals have the power to shape a sustainable future through their financial choices.

Michael Gilmore, co-founder of the MAIAs, said “We are overjoyed to see a powerhouse campaign like Make My Money Matter winning the first Sim Kee Boon prize!”

To learn more about Make My Money Matter, as well as all the other winners at MAIA 2023, visit: https://maiawards.org/winners-2023

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