Make Money Better | Nanette Medved-Po
We’re back with the 2023 edition of our Q&A series ‘Make Money Better’ where we spend five minutes with each of our judges, capturing their insights into the world of money awareness and inclusion.
What makes you interested in better understanding how money works? If you had an “A-ha” moment, please tell us about that.
My A-ha moment was when I realized that debt was not always a bad thing. As long as one could service it, and the benefit of taking out the loan was likely to outweigh the cost, this could in fact be a sensible way to grow.

Where do you learn most of the important things you feel you know about money and finance? Online, specific books, from family members?
I think parents and family tend to form our first impressions of finance. But being an entrepreneur and having a mortgage taught me the most about money, risk and discipline.
What makes you want to help other people better understand money?
Unfortunately, so much of what determines our security in the world, a fundamental need in life, comes from money. If you can’t handle it well, many things are likely to be challenging.
Is there one book, influencer, academic or other sources of financial education material that you would recommend more than others?
Don’t diss those accounting classes in college.
Last, but definitely not least, do you have a guilty pleasure, something that you spend a little more money on than you think you should, but from which you also derive a lot of joy?
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