Empowering Adolescents through Financial Education: Aflateen+ Wins Top Prize at MAIAs

Financial literacy is more important than ever, particularly for young people. In the 2023 MAIA’s, one project stood out for its commitment to empowering young minds: Aflateen+.

Developed by Aflatoun International, it won the “Best School Age Financial Education Project”. This is how Aflateen+ is transforming lives by promoting financial education on a global scale.

As Michael Gilmore, co-founder of the MAIAs states, “Aflateen+ shows the transformative power of financial education on a global scale.”

Empowering Adolescents with Financial Skills

“The Aflateen+ program taught me how to save money and inspired me to start my own business. I now know I can achieve my dreams of entrepreneurship in the future.” – Zainab, Aflateen+ Club, Government Girls Higher Secondary School, Pakistan.

Aflatoun believes that financial education is vital to prepare children for the complexities of the modern world. In Aflateen+, they have developed a comprehensive program that focuses on life skills and financial education.

The program aims to empower girls and boys aged 14-19 to make informed financial decisions and build a strong foundation for their future.

Even better, they have done this through a gender lens.

Key Concepts and Approach

Through Aflateen+ class and club activities, adolescents learn essential financial capabilities. Here are some of the key concepts covered in the program:

  • Saving money and other resources
  • Wise spending and setting budgets
  • Establishing enterprises and entrepreneurial skills

The program takes a gender-sensitive approach. This recognises the importance of engaging girls and boys in promoting women’s economic empowerment.

It uses student-centered learning methods. They create safe spaces for discussions on sensitive topics and fostering gender-sensitive teaching practices.

“The gender lens approach of Aflateen+ sets it apart and addresses the unique challenges faced by adolescent girls.” Trudi Harris, Co-founder of the MAIAs.

Global Reach and Impact

Aflateen+ has garnered recognition and success on a global scale. The program is working in 34 countries across Africa, Asia, Eastern Europe, Central Asia, and Latin America. With over 2 million adolescents reached in 2022 alone, Aflateen+ continues to expand its impact year after year.

The relevance, rigour, and results shown by Aflateen+ are also exemplary.

Randomised-control studies in Burkina Faso and Cameroon have shown positive impacts on students’ skills and financial knowledge.

The program’s scalability and evidence-based approach also work in diverse settings.

Looking ahead, Aflateen+ envisions expanding its reach to more countries. It will also advocate for the integration of financial education into national curricula.

By providing quality financial education, Aflateen+ aims to equip children worldwide with the skills needed in adulthood.

A Global Movement

Aflateen+ says it is not just a program. It’s a movement bringing together organisations dedicated to promoting financial education.

Their success has gone beyond teaching young people. They successfully lobbied for the inclusion of “Financial Skills” in the UN Secretary General Vision Statement on Transforming Education.

Aflateen+ has set a remarkable example of how financial education can transform the lives of adolescents. They have shown how we can create a more inclusive and financially literate world.

Congratulations to Aflatoun International and the Aflateen+ team for their outstanding achievement at the MAIAs.

Together, we can empower young minds and shape a brighter financial future for all.

To learn more about Aflateen+, as well as all the other winners at MAIA 2023, visit: https://maiawards.org/winners-2023

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