Sustainable Futures That Make Sense

Gifting Sense: Illuminating Financial Literacy for a Sustainable Future

At, making smart money choices means more than just saving money. It also promotes family harmony and helps protect the planet. For their creative approach to teaching financial literacy, they received recognition in the “Sustainable Finance Literacy” category at the 2023 Money Awareness and Inclusion Awards (MAIAs).

Michael Gilmore, co-founder of MAIAs, praised Gifting Sense: “Their commitment to empowering the younger generation with essential financial skills is truly commendable.”

Addressing a Global Need

Gifting Sense focuses on middle-school-aged children from diverse economic backgrounds worldwide. This early intervention is pivotal, as it helps instill wise spending habits before children become adult income earners. This reduces the risk of excessive borrowing and debt.

Furthermore, Gifting Sense recognizes that financial literacy is a global need. They are targeting middle-school-aged children from diverse economic backgrounds worldwide. This will address the financial knowledge gap in many communities. It is important to start teaching kids about money early so they learn to spend wisely and be responsible. Gifting Sense teaches kids important money skills to prevent future debt and financial problems.

Trudi Harris, co-founder of MAIAs, highlighted the importance of such initiatives by saying, “Financial education at a young age can be life-changing.”

Gifting Sense’s primary offering is a FREE AND SAFE tool known as the DIMS (Does It Make Sense?) Score calculator. Children can decide what to buy for themselves and their families, encouraging responsible shopping. Anyone with internet access can use the calculator without needing to register or pay.

An Innovative Approach

Karen Holland, the spokesperson for Gifting Sense, explained that they help kids make smarter choices by encouraging them to think before buying. Modern shopping and payment methods make it too easy to buy first and think later.”

Inclusivity and Accessibility

One of Gifting Sense’s strengths is its inclusivity. The organization collects no personal information and sells no data, focusing solely on its mission to improve the financial well-being of today’s school-aged children, closely tied to environmental awareness.

“Financial education should be accessible to all, without barriers,” says Holland.

Positive Impact

Gifting Sense receives very positive feedback, although it’s difficult to measure accurately because they don’t require registration. Kids are often surprised to see how spending thoughtfully can bring families closer and help the environment.

Parents and educators alike are eager to embrace this approach. Demand for their workshops is on the rise, with growing participation. Users of the DIMS Score calculator increased by 12.89%, and sessions went up by 18.06% in the first three months of 2023 compared to the previous quarter.

Future Prospects

Gifting Sense’s impact extends beyond the immediate participants. As children learn to be wise spenders, their families benefit from fewer, but more meaningful, spending requests. When these children enter adulthood, they’ll be better equipped to manage their finances, benefiting their partners, employers, and offspring.

Gifting Sense helps future generations make informed choices that protect the environment and promote financial literacy.

“Simple habits yield huge benefits. Karen Holland concludes that if we think before buying, we can eliminate financial illiteracy and protect the planet in one generation.

As Gifting Sense continues to grow and innovate, their mission to promote financial literacy and environmental responsibility shines ever brighter on the global stage.

In a world filled with financial uncertainty and environmental concerns, Gifting Sense provides a beacon of hope. Their innovative approach to financial literacy empowers the younger generation with essential life skills, setting the stage for a brighter and more sustainable future.

To learn more about Gifting Sense, as well as all the other winners at MAIA 2023, visit:

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